Press Release

Quine announces new panel for Adobe Premiere Pro

March 27, 2020


Oslo, Norway, March 27, 2020 ——Quine announces the new QuineCore panel for Adobe® Premiere® Pro, an industry leader in video editing. QuineCore is designed to accelerate post-production workflows and connectivity by allowing users to intuitively browse, select, and sync assets and metadata into Adobe Premiere projects, boosting efficiency and facilitating real-time collaboration between participants in a project anywhere around the globe.

QuineCore is the perfect companion to Adobe Team Projects, part of Adobe Creative Cloud® for teams and enterprise customers. With Team Projects, it’s easy to quickly create multiple versions and collaborate on shared work in progress. Editors and motion graphics artists can share projects without fear of overwriting someone else’s efforts. QuineCore synchronizes assets and metadata within a team, while Team Projects tracks the project development and project-file sharing.

QuineCore Adobe Premiere panel interface
QuineCore Adobe Premiere panel for shared editing, review and post integration

As a dailies and project browser, the QuineCore extension allows the editor to browse the entire production’s assets and make smart selections by production logic. The selected assets and metadata get imported into Adobe Premiere Pro projects with the click of a button. Script notes, comments and other metadata are available on each file or synchronized multiclip.

QuineCore allows you to structure synchronized assets into Scene-Slate-take order inside a project and takes hours off the manual logging process. The feedback and review tools within QuineCore enable distributed review processes to be as convenient as if all collaborators sit in the same room. Assets from Post/VFX can be discussed, synchronized and exchanged with Adobe Premiere Pro through the same QuineCore project.

“For an editor, the QuineCore extension gives an instant and intuitive overview of the production and makes logging process based on script notes into a few clicks,” says Gunleik Groven from Quine.

“QuineCore allows editors to work from home or in another country, with producers and clients can discuss and manage without attending multiple sets.”

“The QuineCore extension for Adobe Team Projects has simplified shared editing, review processes and post-integration significantly and brings new possibilities into Adobe Premiere Pro,” said Sue Skidmore, head of partnerships for Adobe video.

“Editors can benefit from this automation and excellent use of all production data, collaborate with partners such as post houses and communicate around review processes without leaving Adobe Premiere Pro."

The QuineCore extension for Premiere Pro is compatible with both Mac and Windows and is camera, codec, and audio-recorder agnostic. Currently Quine supports script-data from MovieSlate®.

Quine AS

Quine AS is an innovator in production workflows and project management, based in Oslo, Norway. Quine offers hybrid-cloud solutions for smart file distribution, asset management, and remote collaboration. The company serves the high-growth professional production, film and broadcast market.

Press Contact
Zhang Han

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